Criminal Defense Attorney Successful Outcomes
High Profile Cases Handled by a Leading Criminal Defense Attorney
When facing criminal charges of any kind, your life, your freedom, your finances, and your family are all at stake. Even seemingly minor offenses can lead to lifelong consequences without the proper representation.
The team at Craig M. Kadish & Associates, LLC is the top tier of criminal defense attorneys with over three decades of award-winning experience dealing with high-stakes and particularly sophisticated cases.
Criminal Defense Attorney Success Stories
After decades of dealing with the most high-stakes and notable cases as a criminal defense attorney, Mr. Kadish has earned a reputation as a leader and authority in his field.
He and his team are who other attorneys turn to for advice and assistance when they’re facing a particularly complex or challenging case.
They have frequently served as lead defense in many prominent state and federal prosecutions as well as some of the most highly publicized cases in Maryland history including:
Man Beats Mandatory Five Years on Gun Charge
In 2018, a Carroll County man found himself facing a minimum mandatory sentence of five years without parole. This was for possession of a firearm in Maryland, based on a prior felony conviction.
He was married with two children, a wife, a home and a six-figure job. And he stood to lose everything. He searched to find the most experienced and aggressive legal representation possible. Losing his case was not an option.
Through a series of unique and creative legal maneuvers, Mr. Kadish and team walked the client from the courthouse and to his car as a free man; no probation, no conviction.
Not Guilty Verdict in Rape at the Beach Case
In 2012 a young man on vacation in Ocean City was charged with rape, sexual offenses and assault based on a consensual evening he spent with a young lady.
The trial team at Craig M. Kadish & Associates, LLC, knew that this young man was innocent. They knew that his entire life hung on whether or not the jury would see the truth. They scoured all evidence — cell records, texts, testimonies, etc.
After three days of trial before a jury, the client was found not guilty on all charges.
Charges Dismissed in Narcotics Case
A client was facing more than 40 years of incarceration with no possibility of parole. This was based on police finding guns, drugs, cash — and the client’s social security card and birth certificate, all of which were hidden in a secret compartment in the vehicle.
Narcotics officers wanted the client to cooperate, but the client refused. After intense scrutiny and cross-referencing of numerous police reports, records, and evidence, Mr. Kadish’s team attacked the legality of the seizure, search and stop of the client — and all charges were thrown out.
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Murder Charges Dismissed
In 2005, a Harford County couple was charged with the starvation murder in the death of their adopted son. They adopted four siblings from Russia. One was a four-year-old who weighed approximately 39 pounds when he arrived in the U.S.
The prosecution alleged a pattern of horrific abuse, supported by the testimony of some of his siblings. Mr. Kadish represented the father in the three-year-long case. He argued that the boy suffered from Reactive Attachment Disorder from the neglect he suffered as a baby in the Russian orphanage. This, having caused substantial behavior problems and stunted his internal organs and physical growth.
In 2008, after the trial had begun, the father chose to plead guilty to a lesser offense of child abuse resulting in death, in exchange for dismissal of the murder charges.
Rape Charges Dropped Against U.S. Senate Candidate
In 2006, a candidate for the U.S. Senate was arrested on charges of spousal rape, domestic assault, and false imprisonment.
Defense lawyer Mr. Kadish aggressively countered the shocking allegations of his client’s 19-year-old wife, who had married him in Latvia just a year earlier. Mr. Kadish immediately employed one of the State’s finest private investigators who went with him and the police to the scene of the alleged crime, and through a series of demonstrations, proved to the police investigators that the allegations made by the candidate’s wife could not have taken place as described by her.
In August 2006, Baltimore County prosecutors dropped all charges as a result of pretrial meetings with Craig wherein he presented the extensive evidence which he and the investigator had obtained proving his client’s innocence.
Johns Hopkins Physician Cleared of Manslaughter Charges
After a physician from Johns Hopkins University drove head-on into another car — resulting in the death of a 22-year-old woman — public outrage was palpable.
The physician had driven the wrong way on I-83 for nearly seven miles. Hours after the crash, his blood-alcohol content registered more than twice the legal limit, and he had only been off probation for a prior drunk driving offense for one week.
Mr. Kadish defended the doctor against charges of automobile manslaughter and DUI. Through in-depth research and creative lawyering that centered on the victim’s medical treatment, Mr. Kadish was able to negotiate an arranged disposition for the doctor which would ultimately result in a conviction for drunk driving, but no conviction for the auto manslaughter charge.
Dismissal of all Child Pornography Charges
In 2019, a Frederick County man who was being investigated for suspicion of possession and distribution of child pornography had a warrant executed at his home. All of his computers, cellular phones, routers, and hard drives were seized. Though the raid was carried out by local police, all of his electronic devices and account information were forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security for forensic analysis.
The client had not yet been charged, but knew he was in trouble and immediately sought out Mr. Kadish for representation. Throughout the following year, Mr. Kadish made regular contact with both the prosecutor and the investigating detectives. As a direct result of the client following Mr. Kadish’s pre-charging guidance, things went smoothly when he was ultimately charged. Mr. Kadish was able to make arrangements for the client to turn himself in instead of being arrested in front of co-workers or his neighbors.
Additionally, when the client turned himself in (and as a direct result of our firm’s proactive involvement before he was charged) the client was able to be released pending trial, even though he was charged with felony intent to promote/distribute child pornography and multiple counts of possession of child pornography.
After the client was formally charged, prosecutors quickly reached out to Mr. Kadish and offered the Defendant a misdemeanor plea with home detention; all he had to do was acknowledge guilt. While the client was tempted to avoid jail, he did not want the collateral consequence of being a registered sex offender which is a statutory result of a child pornography conviction. After careful consultation with Mr. Kadish, the client elected to allow our firm to challenge the forensics of the entire case, which is rarely done; most attorneys simply accept the plea.
When it appeared that the forensic examination conducted by Homeland Security was inadequate and failed to prove the State’s case, the prosecutor reached out to her agents who attempted a “bluff” and forwarded further documents which they claimed would be used at trial to convict our client. Not willing to accept what had been sent in the “second round” of documents, Mr. Kadish reached out to the country’s foremost private computer forensics experts who after analyzing all of the data, concluded that Mr. Kadish was correct; the government was bluffing. Consequently, the plea offer was rejected, and Mr. Kadish demanded the client’s pending matter be set for trial.
The prosecution continued to “consult” with its agents, but could not refute Mr. Kadish and his own expert witness’s position. More than a year after he began working this case, Mr. Kadish received a telephone call from the prosecutor in which she told him that the State had made the decision to dismiss all charges against the client.
Not only was the client cleared of any wrongdoing and his charges expunged, but he also was not required to register as a sex offender and even had all of his electronics returned.
For more detailed case reviews, check out the notable cases section of our blog »